Catholic Saints
Saint Adalgott
Feast Day: October 3
Patronage: The Poor, The Sick
Not much is known about St. Adalgott, or the year he was born. He died in 1165. We known he was a twelfth century Monk. He entered Clairvaux and was eventually appointed as Abbot of Disentis, Switzerland. While at Clairvaux, he grew in his faith, and developed a real charism for helping the poor and the sick. Clairvaux was a Benedictine Monastery, where St. Bernard trained his successors.
He was eventually appointed as the Abbot of the Benedictines in Disentis, Switzerland, where he really became well known for his care of the sick and poor. Eventually he was appointed Bishop of Chur, and as Bishop, conducted an apostolate for the suffering of the region. We also know that he founded a hospital in 1150, to better care for the sick. Many call upon his intercession for their needs in regard to being sick or financial problems.
Prayer to St. Adalgott
Dearest St. Adalgott, who tirelessly helped the poor and the sick, intercede on my behalf, for a resolution to my current needs. (Here state your intentions). With your example of helping the poor and sick, and using your Title and Position to better help them, then too, help me to have my needs met. I entrust these needs to your intercession, and humbly rely on the Divine Providence of God, to meet my needs. All according to the Divine Will of God.