Catholic Campus Ministry
The Citadel
A message from Catholic Campus Ministry
Welcome! As the Director for Catholic Campus Ministry at the Citadel, I extend to you my warmest greetings. Our dedicated volunteers and I are committed to the mission of the Catholic Church in spreading the Gospel and working towards fulfilling the mission Jesus Christ left to His disciples. Our campus ministry is open to everyone, especially to those cadets who are Catholic or are considering becoming Catholic. During the week we hold a series of events that explore our Catholic faith and open our understanding of Sacred Scripture in its importance. We are here to assist, help, and console as Jesus did for those who sought him. We are a resource for everyone who wishes to know more about the Catholic Church and we hope you will join us in our celebration and the deepening of our understanding of Catholicism. God bless! For more information please email Joshua Shane – Director at jshane@citadel.eduor call
. The Department of Catholic Campus Ministry is located on campus, room 350 in Mark Clark Hall.
171 Moultrie Street
Diocese of Charleston