The Catholic Center
Berklee College of Music
A message from The Catholic Center
What students say about the Catholic Center at Berklee:
"I’m so grateful for the work the CC does and the profound impact it’s had on my life!"
“The Catholic Center is an amazing community.”
“The Catholic Center has been the best part of my undergraduate life."
The Catholic Center at Berklee offers a lively mix of faith-building activities, fun socials and inspiring service opportunities. We take your questions seriously and don't insult you with shallow answers. Now is the time to ask and to struggle and to discover what it means to be Catholic in a way that makes sense to you. We love discussion, action, and yes, adventure! Belief isn't boring. It makes your life meaningful and magnetic.
The Catholic Center at Berklee serves not only Berklee, but a number of schools in the area. Including Northeastern, MCPHS, Boston Conservatory, MassArt, and others (which is the reason the website says "nucatholics". But don't worry, we are Berklee's Catholic Center!)
Want to get involved? We have a lot going on, but here's the shortlist:
- New Life - Our Weekly Event - Tuesdays @ 8 pm at the Catholic Center (68 St. Stephen St.)
- Sunday Masses - 11 am at the Fenway Center (77 St. Stephen St.)
- Women's & Men's Small Groups
- Confession is after ever Sunday Mass and Fridays from 3:15pm to 4:15pm at the CC
- Many Social Events, Service opportunities, and more!
The Catholic Center Staff
Rosemary Dowling
Br. Joseph McBride
Austin Riordan
The Catholic Center, 68 Saint Stephen St.
Archdiocese of Boston