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TriCo Newman Ministry

Bryn Mawr College

A message from TriCo Newman Ministry

Tri-Co Newman Catholic Ministry helps students to know and love Jesus Christ in a very human way, discover Jesus, and love Him in others and His creation. We have Sunday Mass every week at Bryn Mawr in the Community Room in the Student Life and Wellness Center at 10:40am.

We have weekly meetings for prayer as well as simply hanging out! Though a small community here, we are very close knit and love spending time together at Mass, in prayer, hangouts, after mass for brunch, and especially at Christmas/Easter parties. For updates on events (as well as possible Mass time changes,) check our Instagram, newmancatholic_bmc. Any other questions or need more information? Contact one of our student leaders, Madeline Appelhans (

Father John Ames is a native of Philadelphia, and is an ordained priest in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. He earned a doctorate in theology at Catholic University (Washington). He has served in parish ministry, was the Dean at Saint Charles seminary and has taught at several local colleges. He is currently the pastor of Saint Colman Parish (Ardmore) and also the Catholic Newman Chaplain at Swarthmore, Haverford and Bryn Mawr Colleges.

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101 N. Merion Ave.
Bryn Mawr, PA 19010

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Archdiocese of Philadelphia

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