Campus Ministry
A message from Campus Ministry
Campus Ministry engages in a number of programs and services which promote and support the mission and identity of Canisius as a Catholic and Jesuit school.
Here is a sample of our activities Sunday: FREE dinner after 6 pm Mass Monday: Rosary in the Chapel and Spiritual NIght Tuesday: 6:00pm Catholic Daughters, 7:00 pm Catholic Cafe with Father Jesu at Starbucks in the Student Center Wednesday: Men's Bible Study Adoration, CSO Organization meetings, and Bible Study Thursday: 7:00 pm Kappa meeting / Knights meeting Friday: 7:00 pm Friday Evening Activity, meet @ the CSC We have retreats, times to learn your faith, times to serve and times to relax. Our staff is here to serve you--so please come by and get to know them.
2001 Main Street
Diocese of Buffalo