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Our Lady of Mercy Catholic Church

Hill College

A message from Our Lady of Mercy Catholic Church

Stay connected…..

 We were unable to locate a Catholic Campus Minister at your school but we were able to locate a nearby

 Parish where you can attend Mass.


Volunteering is a good way to put your faith-in-action, make new friends, build your resume, and make contacts for your future.  Knights of Columbus and Catholic Daughters are active in this parish and welcome young members.  Both groups work to serve the parish and community and are good places to volunteer and make contacts for your future. 


Good contacts to check on activities in your area. 

Kevin Prevou
Director of Youth, Young Adult and Campus Ministries

817-560-2452 ext. 261

Jeff Hedglen
Associate Director of Young Adult Ministry



Newman Connection is the place for students to share, pray, learn, and unite. 

It is an online educational resource for anyone who is looking to learn about their Catholic faith.  It is also a good place to connect with other college-age Catholics and get answers to questions about your faith.  Please sign in so you can become involved with this Catholic online community. 



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107 Crestridge Dr,
Hillsboro, TX 76645

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