Campus Ministry
Lambuth University
A message from Campus Ministry
The Catholic Student Union meets on the Lambuth University campus. This group is open to all interested college age young people and meets and explores the Catholic faith. All are welcome--please come by and check us out.The Campus Ministry social activities: Coffee House, Games Night, Jeopardy-style trivia evening, visit to Pink Palace, Shelby Farms Outing, Tie-dye and watermelon, bowling, Laser Tag, Murder Myster games, ice cream socials, Putt-Putt Gold, Movie Nights, Paint Ball Park, Basketball and more! Faith Activities include the following: College "Search" Retreat, Bible Study Groups, Praise God in the Quad, Community Prayer Events, Busy Persons Retreat,Weekly Rosary, Food for Thought and Pro-life Activities to name a few. We are blessed with three wonderful people in Campus Ministry to answer our questions and help us grow in our faith. Br Rob, Br Walter and Wilson are here to serve us.
St. Marys 1665 Highway 45 By-Pass
Diocese of Memphis