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St. Peter Catholic Student Center

McLennan Community College

A message from St. Peter Catholic Student Center

To connect directly with St. Peter Catholic Student Center, fill out their "Get Connected" form here.

St. Peter Catholic Student Center is the spiritual home for Catholics at Baylor University and university students in the surrounding area, including McLennan Community College (MCC) and Texas State Technical College (TSTC). Students call the Center a home away from home. Alumni return to find that same sense of welcome awaiting them.

We are also the proud host to and collaborators with four Fellowship of Catholic University Students (FOCUS) missionaries, who mentor, lead small group bible studies, and serve the students in many other capacities.

Our student apostolates include a Baylor-Chartered Catholic Student Association (BCSA), Pro-Life apostolate, a robust sacred music program, a Knights of Columbus chapter, a Marian devotion gropup, , an RCIA formation group for prospective converts and Catholics wanting more formation, and so much more. We are also the proud home to St. Gregory Society, a traditional Latin Mass community.

Learn more about the St. Peter Catholic Student Center here.

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1415 South 9th Street
Waco, TX 76706

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Diocese of Austin

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