Ramapo Newman Catholic Community
Ramapo College
A message from Ramapo Newman Catholic Community
Newman Catholic at Ramapo College is a place of sharing, challenging, and exploring one's faith. Our open arms community will make you feel like in your "home away from home". Catholic students on Ramapo's campus are encouraged to understand and practice their faith, and our goal is to provide the context and liturgy that allows them to do so.
We welcome all students, faculty and staff of Ramapo College to join us, regardless of their faith tradition or lack thereof! If you would like to know more about our wonderful faith, you can call campus minister David at 201-800-4141 or email him at ddonohoe@ramapo.edu. You can also contact the Newman Catholic club directly at campusministry @ramapo.edu. We would love for you to join us!
Please check out our website: https://www.ramaponewman.com/
505 Ramapo Valley Road
Archdiocese of Newark