Campus Ministry
Reading Area Community College
A message from Campus Ministry
We could not locate a Catholic Campus Ministry group on your campus but found one about a mile away at Alvernia College that will welcome you to take part. They have a special Mass for college-age students and many different activities.
On behalf of the parishioners and staff of Saint Jude Parish, welcome. This is a faith community known for its hospitality and generosity. Having embraced the renewal envisioned by the Second Vatican Council, we are committed to growing in prayer, faith, service, and full and active participation in the liturgy. We have not arrived, but are committed to the journey. Consider offering your talents to serve in ministries you used in your home parish... choir and music ministry, Extraordinary Minister of Eucharist, and as an usher to welcome fellow Catholic Students.
Sacred Heart Chapel on Alvernia's Campus
Diocese of Allentown