St. Albert Catholic Student Center
Southeastern Louisiana University
A message from St. Albert Catholic Student Center
Welcome to St. Albert the Great Chapel and Catholic Student Center in Hammond, Louisiana, serving Southeastern Louisiana University, the third largest university in the state, and second largest in the University of Louisiana System! Our mission is to provide a place for students of Southeastern Louisiana University, especially those baptized into the Catholic Christian faith, to experience a sense of community based on the religious and moral principles taught by Christ through His One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church. We offer Southeastern students a spiritual and religious community to which they can belong and call home while attending Southeastern. Our focus is developing the God-given virtues of faith, trust, love/charity, and hope as the basis for mature, healthy human relationships. Everyone is welcome regardless of his or her religious beliefs! For more information contact Campus Minister Taylor Bougere at
409 West Dakota
Diocese of Baton Rouge