St Marys Catholic Campus Ministry
Stephen F Austin State University
A message from St Marys Catholic Campus Ministry
Welcome to St. Mary's at SFA. St. Mary's Catholic Campus Ministry wants to be your center for friends, for service and to deepen your Catholic faith.
How to Get Involved:
- Join us in Mass (Celebrated Daily)
- Join a Team of extraordinary ministries of the Eucharist, lectors, of alter servers or the Choir. The Sacrament of Reconciliation is available daily before and after Mass.
- Join one of our campus organizations: Knights of Columbus, Catholic Daughters, Kappas, COre team, or DOTS.
- Participate in one or more of our classes or Bible studies for spiritual growth.
- Join in the Awakening retreat and many opportunities for fun and fellowship.
St Marys Catholic Campus Ministry Staff
Paul Key
Kevin Maile
Jose Pinones
214 Wettermark Rd
Diocese of Tyler