TriCo Newman Ministry
Swarthmore College
A message from TriCo Newman Ministry
Tri-Co Newman Catholic Ministry fosters students to know and love Jesus Christ in a very human way, and discover Jesus and love Him in others, and in His creation. We have the following get-togethers: Mass (weekdays/Sunday), Bible Studies, RCIA, Confession, Retreat (once a semester), Alternative Spring Break (Fixed houses in David, KY), Lecture Series (weekly), Conferences at Princeton, Adoration (One or twice everyday at Tri-Co Campuses), Karaoke Night, Sunday Lunch Fellowship, Cenacle and more. Fr. Jaehwa is the Chaplain for the Newman Catholic Ministry. Father Jaehwa Lee ( has a B.S. from Columbia University, M.S. from University of Pennsylvania and M. Div. from St. Charles Borromeo Seminary in Philadelphia. He was ordained as a priest for the Archdiocese of Philadelphia in 2007. In his previous assignment before coming to Bryn Mawr, he served as a Catholic Campus Chaplain for Drexel University and as an Assistant for University City area at Ss. Agatha and James on University of Pennsylvania Campus. He loves riding his bicycle, scooter, texting (not when he is riding), Facebook, etc, and singing Karaoke.
TriCo Newman Ministry Staff
Father Jaehwa Lee
Bond Hall – 30 500 College Avenue
Archdiocese of Philadelphia