Campus Ministry
The College of Staten Island
A message from Campus Ministry
Sister Kathleen Logan, O.P. - Catholic Campus Minister
A member of the Order of Preachers (Dominican Congregtion of Our Lady of The Rosary) and a native Staten Islander who believes in giving back to the community that along with her family raised her.
Catholic Campus Ministry can be defined as the public presence and service through which Catholic students are empowered by the Holy Spirit to use their talents and gifts on behalf of the Church to be signs and instruments to each other, our neighbors, and our communities.
Sister Kathleen Logan is available to: Listen, pray, to offer support, faith sharing opportunities, Sacraments, Sacramental preparation, Spiritual Direction, and awareness to Social Justice.
As part of the Multi-Faith Comunity, Sister Kathleen Logan can be found in the Multi-Faith Center which is housed in the Multi-faith Center in building 1C (Campus Center), Room 212A. We share space with Hillel, Alpha Christian Fellowship, and others.
Consider stopping by to introduce yourself!
Campus Ministry Staff
Sister Kathleen Logan
2800 Victory Blvd
Staten Island,
Archdiocese of New York