Wake Forest Catholic Community
Wake Forest University
A message from Wake Forest Catholic Community
Wake Forest Catholic Community (WFCC) is a caring and inclusive Catholic community committed to living as disciples of Jesus Christ, welcoming all to join us in living the Gospel joyfully.
Called by our baptism, we, the students of the Roman Catholic Community of Wake Forest University, are committed to live as disciples of Jesus Christ and bearers of His Gospel in our world. We are committed to proclaim our belief in the sanctity of all human life. We advocate for peace and justice and the care of all God’s creation. Dedicated to the Corporal and Spiritual works of Mercy, we believe that charity and service are at the heart of Jesus’ message. We believe that the holiness of God is revealed in all His works and we center our prayer, our lives and our mission in His Church and especially in His revealed Presence in the Holy Eucharist. We joyfully live the Gospel and welcome all people of good will to join in our community according to the dictates of their conscience and the teachings of the Church.
If you would like more information, contact the Campus Minister Jenn Barlow at barlowjle@wfu.edu or Catholic Chaplain Fr. David McCanless at mccanldr@wfu.edu.
Wake Forest Catholic Community Staff
Jenn Barlow
Darien Clark
Fr. David McCanless
WFCC Lounge
Collins Residence Hall
Diocese of Charlotte