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Campus Ministry

Wesleyan University

A message from Campus Ministry

There is a Catholic chaplain on campus and he would like to get to know you. Please stop by and meet Fr. Weidner. He will be able to share what is going on in the campus ministry program.

Volunteers:A faculty member, Octavio Flores, is very interested in introducing students to the local efforts of the St Vincent de Paul center and the food pantry. -----The Catholic students are being asked to work with Bread for the World as well as with the Inter-Faith League that this year sponsored a Fast a Thon with town and gown help that supported St Vincent de Paul outreach. ---Receive our weekly email contact Fr. Hal Weidner

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169 High Street, University’s Chaplain’s Office, 2nd. Fl, Rm 210
Middletown, CT 06459

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Diocese of Norwich

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