WCU Catholic Campus Ministry
Western Carolina University
A message from WCU Catholic Campus Ministry
Our mission is to be a community of Christian faith, hope, and love, offering a spiritual home to all students of Western Carolina University. We encourage the growth of the whole person, through prayer and support, outreach and service, fellowship and fun. We provide an open environment of respect and hospitality, rooted in the traditions of the Catholic Church. We acknowledge the importance of each individual and their role in the Body of Christ.
The Catholic Student Center offers Sunday liturgy, retreats, dinners, prayer services, social events, and service opportunities for students who wish to develop their faith and put that faith into action.
We also foster a sense of BEING Catholic in an area where we are considered a minority. Through prayer and support, outreach and service, fellowship and fun, our Catholic Student Center provides a faith family you can come home to when you are away from home.
If you would like to know more about our wonderful faith, please call 828-293-9374 or email Deacon Matt Newsome ccm@wcucatholic.org. We would love for you to join us!
WCU Catholic Campus Ministry Staff
Darien Clark
Reverend Matthew Newsome
197 Forest Hills Rd. PO Box 2766
Diocese of Charlotte