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Catholic Saints

A dynamic, dramatic painting depicting a biblical or mythological scene with angels and warriors in action, featuring Saint Processus and Martinian clashing alongside celestial beings.

Saint Processus and Martinian

Feast Day 07/02/2012

Patronage Wardens, Jailers, Prison Police

Saints Processus and Martinian are great saints that the Church celebrates on July 2nd.  They were the prison guards in the Mamertime Prison that were assigned to St. Peter and St. Paul.  This was the period just prior to St. Peter’s execution, as well as St. Paul’s death. 

They were converted and baptized by St. Peter after a spring flowed miraculously in the prison, and the two wardens were baptized in the miraculous waters. They were martyred along with Paul after being arrested and tortured, because of their conversion to he faith. They were beheaded by order of the emperor Nero. After their martyrdom, a woman called Lucina is said to have buried them in her own cemetery.  Many miracles were said to have happened after their death and burial.   

Peter Miraculously made the water necessary for their baptism flow from the stone in that prison, in order to start the “conversion” of these two guards.  The judge Paulinus even sought in vain to dissuade them in every way with horrendous tortures.  When this was not successful, they were decapitated and put on public display, all because of their conversion to Christianity. 

Practical Take Away

In studying the little that is known of the Saints Processus and Martinian, one easily comes to the conclusion that they were willing to lay down their lives in order for their faith, even at a last minute conversion. St. Peter was willing to work a miracle to aid in this conversion, while he was imprisoned. They became great witnesses to the faithful of their time.  It would be wise of us to pray to these great saints to help aid in our conversion to always say yes to God, and to abandoned ourselves from things of this world. 

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